DO IT NOW Magazine #39


As from 1 August 2014, DO IT NOW Magazine will no longer be published monthly. The magazine is moving to a weekly publication format, with a fantastic new look that's fresh​, modern​ and easy to read. Although the layout may be new, we'll still continue to feature all those fantastic adventure, sport and lifestyle articles that we receive from our wonderful contributors.

Issue #39 is now available and there's a host of articles to keep you captivated from start to finish.

Cover stories in this issue include the Canadian BC Bike Race, the ultimate single-track experience that has captured the imagination of the world. For many this seven-day adventure represented the 'bucket list' journey of a lifetime, for others it was a heated battle on the most amazing terrain possible. Closer to home, The Big 5 Challenge promised to be a fiercely contested affair and it did not disappoint. This festival-long challenge is a combination of five major events at the Knysna Oyster Festival, and allows adventure junkies to experience the vibe of a fantastic festival whilst getting an overdose of feel-good endorphins throughout the week. Being fit is hard work and takes commitment, so here are our top 10 optimal fitness rules that are tried and tested and bound to improve your levels of fitness and performance immensely if adhered to. Follow Xen and Adri Ludick as they go wild in Botswana and share their experiences at two extraordinary wilderness places; the Moremi Game Reserve and Chobe National Park. If you are looking for great hiking destinations to add to your bucket list, then don't miss the article on 10 great hiking destinations as there are some incredible places featured.

Exploring the magic of the Alps, cycling across seven continents, having some apre-ski fun local style, how to feel great, movie and game reviews, and so much more. Don't miss these and many other fantastic reads ...