Words: Newsport Media | Photo: Cherie Vale
Just over 4000 trail runners and outdoor enthusiasts gathered at Lievland Wine Estate and Wiesenhof Legacy Park (just outside of Stellenbosch) on Saturday, 19 October 2013 and Sunday, 20 October 2013 to be part of the action at the much anticipated New Balance IMPI Challenge. Just over 4000 trail runners and outdoor enthusiasts gathered at Lievland Wine Estate and Wiesenhof Legacy Park (just outside of Stellenbosch) on Saturday, 19 October 2013 and Sunday, 20 October 2013 to be part of the action at the much anticipated New Balance IMPI Challenge.

Combining trail running with an adventure style obstacle course, the New Balance IMPI Challenge features two events, the New Balance IMPI Elite Race (for the more serious competitor) and the New Balance IMPI Challenger Event (for the outdoor enthusiast looking to have a fun time).
Greg Goodall was the New Balance IMPI Elite participate to beat in the men’s race on Saturday, while Martha Koekemoer was the Elite women’s entrant setting the pace.
Attracting a record field of just over 150 competitors, winning the New Balance IMPI Elite Race was not an easy feat. “I find small spaces to be a real mental challenge,” says Greg Goodall. “So any form of a tunnel is challenging for me. I focused on keeping my eyes open at all times. This is my first IMPI Challenge. I thought taking part would be fun. Coming into the event I knew that the defending champion and team mate Charl Souma would be tough competition. I loved it, running combined with obstacles, it’s really challenging. I’ll definitely be back next year”. Second and third position was grabbed up by Stellenbosch athletes, Antoine Van Heerden and Matthew Daneel respectively.
“I had unfinished business with the New Balance IMPI Challenge,” said Martha Koekemoer. “Two years ago I took part for the first time, but there was one obstacle that I was unable to complete. I must admit winning the money is amazing, but having completed all the obstacles successfully is equally amazing to me. I loved every minute of it. The event takes you back to your childhood. It feels like you’re playing. It’s an adventure and a challenge all in one”.
Having been the first male and female New Balance IMPI Elite competitors to cross the finish line after successfully completing all 25 obstacles, both Goodall and Koekemoer went home with an impressive prize purse of R10 000.
Event Information
Participants could enter individually or as part of a team (teams vary in size from 2 – 10 people, although team members start together, they do not need to finish together).
Venue: Lievland Wine Estate and Wiesenhof Legacy Park, Stellenbosch
Saturday, 19 October 2013:
New Balance IMPI Elite Race: 07:00 / 18km trail run featuring around 25 challenging obstacles
New Balance IMPI Challenger: 09:00 / 12km trail run featuring around 18 fun obstacles
Sunday, 20 October 2013
New Balance IMPI Challenger: 07:00 / 12km trail run featuring around 18 fun obstacles
Up For Grabs: The best dressed individual or team entries stood the chance to win an awesome hamper from sponsors New Balance, Spur and Vit-T-Go, while Tsogo Sun vouchers were awarded to the IMPIs that had the most original war cry.
Family and friends were encouraged to show support on the day, soak up the vibe in the Festival Village that included live entertainment, a food village and beer tent.
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Community Support: The New Balance IMPI Challenge supports the Woodside Special Care Centre, a private residential home for intellectually and physically disabled children and young adults. Established in 1976 the Woodside Special Care Centre offers a wide range of services designed to promote the development of each of its children.
For more information on the Woodside Special Care Centre visit www.woodside.org.za. For more information on the New Balance IMPI Challenge contact 076 772 3735, email or visit www.impichallenge.co.za