Words: Innovative Marketing
Wild 5 Adventures is pleased to announce that the second Celebrity has accepted and completed the #Wild5CelebChallenge in aid of NPO Summer Hill House who care for more than 24 parentless children. Jason Goliath took part in the challenge on Monday 1 June 2015.

The challenge was kicked off by Mix 93.8FM presenter Roxy Blows in April. She bravely faced her fear of heights and completed the #WildSlide across the breath taking Oribi Gorge where she was suspended 55 stores above the ground. As Roxy earned her bragging rights, she challenged the next two celebrities who are both world renowned celebrity comedians Jason Goliath and Deep Fried Man to the adrenaline filled #WildSwing. For each celebrity that accepts and completes the challenge Wild 5 Adventures will make a donation to Summer Hill house.
Jason was extremely confident that the #WildSwing would be a walk in the park. As he was getting strapped into his safety harness, he was still full of humour and confidence that the swing would be no challenge to him. While climbing down the tunnel of no return, it started to show on Jason’s face that this might be a bit more of an adrenaline and fear packed swing than he initially thought. Luckily he had brought along some family members to encourage him. After gathering his courage, and with the support and cheering from his family and on lookers, he took the ultimate adrenalin filled leap of faith.
Jason’s screams could be heard for miles!!! “That’s the stupidest thing I have ever done!” he said while being hosted back to the launch spot. As Jason completed the #Wild5CelebChallenge and earned his bragging rights, he had the honour of nominating the next two SA Celebs, local Natal comedians, Carvin Goldstone and Jeremy Atkins. With the support of our amazing Celebrities we can make a real difference in these children’s lives.
Wild 5 Adventures
In December 1997 Wild 5 Adventures opened the highest commercial abseil in the world. In 1998 the first white water rafting adventure was launched on the Umzimkhulu River. Four years later, on 15th June 2002, the ultimate rush of all time, the Wild Swing, was opened. "From the age of 11 I used to stand at the top of Oribi Gorge, looking down. It was my dream to jump off the edge (without hurting myself, that is)... ", Paul Jefferys, owner of Wild 5 Adventures reflects. "There's a saying that goes along these lines: If you can dream it, do it!" We did it, and now you can too! The wild swing is every thrill seeker's dream come true. The phenomenal, tranquil views of Oribi Gorge belie the thrilling, spine-tingling adventures that wait.
Experience the ultimate rush! Situated at the top of Lehr's Waterfall, this is the highest swing in the world. Leap off the edge of the waterfall to swing into the gaping depths of the gorge - 165m (55 Stories), and accelerate to 120km/hour in 2.5 seconds. Bragging rights are guaranteed!
Summerhill House
SUMMERHILL HOUSE is a non-profit organization (registered Section 21) whose sole motivation and vision is to provide homes and personal transformation for orphaned and abandoned children that have been affected by the HIV/Aids pandemic. At SUMMERHILL HOUSE children’s home we want to give kids the things that they have lost - Love, an education, a bed to sleep in and food - that’s all part of the program. However we believe the most important thing in helping these children is providing the feeling of family. That’s why our model mirrors a family unit as closely as possible. Each of our 4 prospective houses will hold 6 children and 1 housemother - who is there to make sure there is care, respect and laughter. This ‘unit’ ensures roots, no overcrowding, plenty of time with the caregiver (housemother) and love.
Our work has been predominantly on the ground - we have placed huge importance on social upliftment in Etete. We are feeding needy families and holding monthly home-group meetings where we make time for teaching and enjoying fellowship together. We visit individuals on a weekly basis, assist in acquiring grants and ID documents and work closely with the Stanger Child Welfare and Stanger Social Services Department.
Innovative Marketing
CSI and non-profit work is part of our core belief system at Innovative Marketing. We have initiated multiple national fund raising and awareness campaigns. Innovative Marketing plans to take what we have learned over the years and pass this knowledge onto our clients so that together we can make a much great difference.