Words: Oxigen Communications
Those choosing to follow a healthy lifestyle by running or cycling on South Africa’s roads are being held back from training. iLiveSafe, the leader in complete identification, safety and rapid response, is set to become a vital and handy running accessory that benefits running clubs and individual runners alike.
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Setting out in the brisk early morning air for a quick 5k is the highlight to any runner’s day but the fact is that runners are vulnerable on the road. The vulnerabilities include the possibility of being injured by passing vehicle or a potential attacker – a fact that has unfortunately sent many runners indoors to train on treadmills. Luckily iLiveSafe provides a product that helping runners across the country taking back the roads.
While out for a run, you typically have no money, cell phone or wallet on you. Carrying the bare minimum with you impedes the process of cooperating with potential attackers as is advised in such a situation. At the very least you stand to lose anything that you do have on you including your running shoes but the innocent and subtle iLiveSafe bracelet around your wrist will keep you safe and allow you to get in touch with those who will send help.
Renowned local runner and 2016 Olympic hopeful, Mapaseka Makhanya is an iLiveSafe client and says that wearing her wristband has changed her outlook when stepping out the door for a run. “Even though I consider myself a very positive athlete with a positive attitude, I am also a realist,” says Mapaseka. “How many times have we heard of or read about runners being robbed in broad daylight for their possessions like iPods, expensive running gear or a couple of banknotes? And that’s not even talking about runners who get run over and killed by inconsiderate or oblivious motorists.”
With an iLiveSafe wristband, runners have a means of personal identification and access to immediate emergency services. This is why so many runners are choosing to live safe and signing up for the iLiveSafe services. Their packages are ideal for single runners who would like to protect both themselves and their entire families and also for running clubs who seek to extend these benefits to their members.
These services are beneficial to those taking part in any outdoor sport and they are becoming popular among cyclists as well. Recently a Pretoria cyclist, Andre Gobey was rescued using his iLiveSafe wristband contact number after he was attacked on the Lugwig Rose Farm road North of Pretoria. “Although I was still in shock, I started to feel safe knowing that help was on the way,” Andre said shortly after his attack. “I know that being with iLiveSafe definitely means living safer.”
The ability to send emergency response, to inform your emergency contact person and to dispatch additional safety assistance are just some of the services are included in I Live Safe’s basic plan which is available from as little as R39 per month. Additionally, I Live Safe offers three ascending packages priced from R69 to R399 per month and which covers additional services such as trauma counselling, assistance with missing persons, telephonic medical advice, a personal health advisor, hi-jacking assistance, roadside assistance and assistance with stranded minors. The I Live Safe call centre is staffed 24/7 with dedicated and highly trained operatives who have access to emergency responders across the country, to ensure timely and efficient response to each you in an emergency situation.
For more information visit www.ilivesafe.co.za or Like the I Live Safe Facebook page.