Lakenvlei Forest Lodge
Start: 07h00 (race number collection from 05h30 and briefing at 06h40)
Courses: 62km and 35km. All routes are well marked with tags.
Terrain: Rolling - no massive ups or downs. Forest roads and tracks. Not technical terrain - very little to trip over. Perfect for those runners new to trail or wanting to try their first trail event. Also, a number of entered runners are using the 62km as Comrades training. This terrain is far more gentle on your body than tar.
Aid stations: There are three water stations, one water drop and one feed station on the ultra route. There is one water station and one feed station on the 35km route.
Entry fee: R480/person. Pre-entry only. Entries online through Entrytickets.
Entry limit: Entries are limited to only 150 runners.
Entry deadline: Friday, 21 February 2014
Event website: - for information on route, terrain, elevation profile, compulsory equipment, accommodation, directions, entries, reviews from the 2013 event and photographs.
Event on Facebook:
Contact: Lisa - or 082 936-2509